Can I Go Swimming 3 Months After Belly Button Piercing

Can I Go Swimming 3 Months After Belly Button Piercing? 

Swimming, especially in pools, oceans, or lakes, is generally discouraged for the first few months after getting a belly button piercing. The primary reason for this caution is to prevent potential infection and complications during the initial healing period.

The healing time for a belly button piercing can vary from person to person, but it typically takes around 6 to 9 months for the piercing to fully heal. During the initial 3 months, the piercing is especially vulnerable to bacteria and irritation.

Swimming in pools, oceans, or lakes exposes the piercing to various microorganisms, chemicals (such as chlorine in pools), and other potentially harmful substances. These can increase the risk of infection or cause irritation to the healing piercing.

How long does belly button piercing healing take?

How long does belly button piercing healing take

Healing time for a belly button piercing can vary from person to person but typically takes around 6 months to 1 year to fully heal. During the initial healing period, which usually lasts about 6-8 weeks, it’s crucial to follow proper aftercare instructions provided by your piercer. This includes cleaning the piercing regularly with saline solution, avoiding irritants such as harsh soaps or lotions, and refraining from touching the piercing with unwashed hands.

After the initial healing phase, the area may appear healed, but it’s essential to continue cleaning it regularly to prevent infections and ensure complete healing. Factors such as individual healing capabilities, aftercare practices, and the body’s response to the piercing can influence the duration of the healing process. Always consult with your piercer if you have any concerns or notice any signs of infection or prolonged irritation.

What are the risks of swimming after a belly button piercing?

Swimming after getting a belly button piercing, especially during the initial healing phase, can pose certain risks and may not be recommended. Here are some potential risks associated with swimming after getting a belly button piercing:


Swimming in pools, oceans, or hot tubs introduces the piercing to bacteria, chemicals (such as chlorine in pools), and other microorganisms that can increase the risk of infection. These can irritate the healing wound and potentially lead to complications.

Irritation and Delayed Healing

Prolonged exposure to water can soften the skin and increase the risk of irritation around the piercing site. This can slow down the healing process and cause discomfort.


Bodies of water like pools, lakes, or oceans contain various contaminants, which can enter the piercing and cause complications. These contaminants may include bacteria, algae, and other particles that can hinder the healing process or lead to infections.

Dislodging or Damage

Swimming activities, particularly vigorous movements or contact sports, can cause trauma to the piercing area. This can lead to the dislodging of the jewelry or cause damage to the healing tissue.

To minimize the risks associated with swimming after a belly button piercing

  • Avoid swimming during the initial healing period, which typically lasts 6-8 weeks or as advised by your piercer.
  • Wait until the piercing is fully healed before swimming to reduce the risk of infection or irritation.
  • If you must swim before the piercing is fully healed, take precautions such as covering the piercing with a waterproof bandage or a special covering designed for piercings.
  • Ensure proper aftercare by cleaning the piercing thoroughly after swimming to remove any contaminants or irritants that may have come in contact with it.

When is it safe to swim after a belly button piercing?

When is it safe to swim after a belly button piercing

It’s generally recommended to avoid swimming, especially in pools, oceans, lakes, or hot tubs, for at least the initial healing period of a belly button piercing, which typically lasts around 6-8 weeks or as advised by your piercer.

However, the exact timing for when it’s safe to swim after a belly button piercing can vary from person to person. Once the initial healing phase is complete, which usually takes several weeks, and the piercing has fully closed up and doesn’t show any signs of tenderness, redness, or discharge, it may be considered safer to swim.

Keep in mind the following points before swimming after a belly button piercing

Wait for the recommended healing time

It’s crucial to allow your body enough time to heal before exposing the piercing to water, as swimming too soon can increase the risk of complications and infection.

Consult your piercer

Before resuming swimming or any water-related activities, consult your piercer or a healthcare professional. They can assess the healing progress of your piercing and provide personalized advice on when it’s safe for you to swim.

Take precautions

When you eventually decide to swim after your belly button piercing has healed, consider covering the piercing with a waterproof bandage or a special covering designed for piercings to protect it from potential contaminants and irritants in the water.

Proper aftercare

After swimming, thoroughly clean the piercing area with a saline solution or the recommended aftercare solution to remove any debris, bacteria, or irritants that may have come in contact with the piercing.

Always prioritize your piercing’s health and follow proper aftercare instructions throughout the healing process to minimize the risk of complications or infections when considering swimming after getting a belly button piercing.


Can a belly piercing get infected after 3 months?

Yes, it’s possible for a belly piercing to get infected even after 3 months if proper care isn’t maintained or due to exposure to irritants.

Can you swim with a new belly button piercing?

Swimming is generally not recommended with a new belly button piercing due to the risk of infection from waterborne bacteria.

Can my piercing close after 3 months?

While it’s less likely, a piercing can close within a few hours if it’s relatively new, but after 3 months, it’s less prone to close quickly.

Can I go swimming 4 months after belly button piercing?

After 4 months, swimming might be safer, but it’s still important to check with your piercer and follow proper aftercare, using waterproof coverings if needed.

How do you waterproof a piercing?

You can use specialized waterproof bandages or covers designed for piercings to protect them from water while swimming or showering.

Can I go to the gym after belly button piercing?

It’s generally safe to resume gym activities after a belly button piercing, but avoid exercises that put direct pressure on the piercing and maintain hygiene during workouts

Final Words

Taking care of your belly button piercing is super important. Remember, healing takes time, usually around 6 to 9 months. It’s essential to avoid swimming during the first few months after getting pierced because water can have yucky stuff that might cause infection or irritation. 

Always listen to your piercer or doctor—they know best! And before jumping into the pool or ocean, make sure your piercing is all healed up and ready for some swimming fun. Don’t rush it—your belly button will thank you later!