my cat is very active after surgery

My Cat Is Very Active After Surgery

After a cat undergoes surgery, it’s not uncommon for them to display heightened activity levels due to factors like the effects of anesthesia or discomfort. To manage this, adhere strictly to the post-operative care instructions provided by your veterinarian. Designate a quiet, comfortable space for your cat’s recovery, ensuring they have a cozy bed and…

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Can Two Unneutered Female Rabbits Live Together

Can Two Unneutered Female Rabbits Live Together?

Yes, two unneutered female rabbits can live together, but it comes with challenges. Unspayed does are more territorial and may exhibit aggressive behavior. Successful cohabitation depends on factors like their individual personalities, age, and the introduction process. Gradual bonding, patience, and close monitoring are important. If both rabbits are compatible, they can form a strong…

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Where Do Eggs Come Out of Chickens

Where Do Eggs Come Out of Chickens? The Egg-Laying Process

Chickens lay eggs through their cloaca, which is a single opening used for reproductive, digestive, and excretory functions. Inside the female chicken’s body, the egg forms in the ovary and then travels down the oviduct, where it is gradually covered in layers of albumen (egg white) and membranes before finally receiving a shell in the…

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Can Mice Fit Under Doors

Can Mice Fit Under Doors? Outsmarting the Intruders

Yes, mice can fit under doors. Mice possess an incredible ability to squeeze through tight spaces, including the gap under doors. Their small and flexible bodies, coupled with a lack of collarbones and a highly adaptable ribcage, allow them to flatten themselves and slide through openings that seem impossibly narrow.  The space beneath a standard…

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