why is my pinky toenail so small

Why Is My Pinky Toenail So Small? 

The size of your pinky toenail can be smaller than others due to various factors. Genetics play a significant role, determining individual differences in toenail size.  Developmental reasons or injuries during growth stages can affect the toenail’s size. Infections or medical conditions may also impact nail growth. Consulting a podiatrist can offer insights or treatments…

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Can I Go Swimming 3 Months After Belly Button Piercing

Can I Go Swimming 3 Months After Belly Button Piercing? 

Swimming, especially in pools, oceans, or lakes, is generally discouraged for the first few months after getting a belly button piercing. The primary reason for this caution is to prevent potential infection and complications during the initial healing period. The healing time for a belly button piercing can vary from person to person, but it…

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Can I Use Base Coat as Top Coat

Can I Use Base Coat as Top Coat?

Using a base coat as a top coat isn’t advisable due to their differing purposes and compositions. Base coats are meant to prepare nails, offering strength, preventing staining, and enhancing polish adhesion. In contrast, top coats protect polish, providing gloss, quick drying, and chip resistance. While a base coat might serve temporarily as a top…

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