Why Do Females Get Tongue Piercings

Why Do Females Get Tongue Piercings? Beyond Fashion

Back in high school, I had a classmate who did something that grabbed everyone’s attention—she got her tongue pierced. It seemed like a bold choice, and it got us all talking. That’s when I first got curious about tongue piercings.

Now, tongue piercings aren’t just about looking cool. For many females, they’re a way to express themselves and feel empowered. It’s about more than the jewelry; it’s about showing individuality and breaking stereotypes.

One of the primary reasons females choose to get tongue piercings is the aesthetic appeal they offer. A well-placed tongue piercing can be visually striking and add a unique element to one’s appearance. It serves as a form of self-expression, allowing individuals to showcase their personality and style.

The Trend of Tongue Piercings

Let’s talk about why tongue piercings have become a big thing, especially among women. It’s a trend that’s growing fast. At first, it was kind of unusual, but now lots of people are doing it.

Tongue piercings used to be really popular, but then they became less common around 2011. However, recently, they’ve become trendy again, especially among young women aged 18 to 25. In fact, in 2019, they became the second most popular piercing for this group. But interestingly, tongue piercings are still not very common among men.

When it comes to how people get their tongues pierced, the most common way is to have one hole right in the center of the tongue. This style is known as “midline tongue piercings.” So, if you see someone with a tongue piercing, chances are it’s done right in the middle of their tongue.

Then, it’s important to know that tongue piercings have gone from being a unique choice to something many people do. Even famous people and influencers show off their tongue piercings. This means it’s not just for a few people; it’s for everyone who wants it.

Additionally, the styles and options for tongue piercings have expanded a lot. You can choose from different kinds of jewelry, like barbells or fancy designs. It’s all about making it your own, giving you a unique look.

Moreover, tongue piercings aren’t limited to one place or culture. People from all over the world are getting into this trend. It’s something that crosses borders and brings people together.

What’s interesting is that social media has a big part in making tongue piercings famous. Sites like Instagram and TikTok let people share their experiences and inspire others to try it too. It’s like a community where everyone can join in.

But there’s more: tongue piercings are also about women feeling strong and confident. It’s a way for women to show they can make choices about their bodies. They’re not just following what everyone else does. Instead, they’re setting their own standards for beauty.

So, the trend of tongue piercings is about more than just jewelry in your mouth. It’s a way for people, especially women, to express themselves and feel good about who they are. It’s a trend that keeps on growing, and it’s not going away anytime soon.

What does a tongue piercing symbolize?

A tongue piercing can mean different things to different people. Some folks see it as a way to be a bit rebellious and not follow the usual norms. However, in some cultures, it’s like a sign that you’re growing up and taking on more responsibilities. 

Additionally, for some, it’s kind of like a spiritual thing. They believe it connects them to higher powers or helps them get rid of bad energy. But, it’s important to know that getting a tongue piercing can be a bit uncomfortable, and it takes some guts to go through with it.

Besides all that, it’s also a form of self-expression. People choose different types of jewelry to show off their personality and style. Sometimes, in certain groups or communities, getting a tongue piercing together can show unity and togetherness. 

On a different note, some folks think of tongue piercings as a way to be a bit more sensual or sexy. They see it as something intimate. Lastly, for some, it’s like a fresh start or a way to leave behind old stuff and move forward. 

However, it’s important to remember that what a tongue piercing means can be very personal. It’s a unique choice, and it might mean something special to the person who gets it.

Does a tongue piercing pleasure a woman?

A tongue piercing is a form of body modification primarily chosen for reasons unrelated to sexual pleasure. While it’s true that some individuals may find that a tongue piercing enhances their sensory experiences during intimate moments, it’s important to recognize that the motivations behind getting a tongue piercing are typically more diverse and complex.

People decide to get tongue piercings for a variety of reasons, including self-expression, aesthetics, cultural significance, and personal meaning. The piercing itself involves inserting jewelry, such as a barbell or a stud, through the tongue, usually near the tip or center. While this can add a unique visual appeal to one’s appearance, it’s important to note that the primary purpose is often not related to sexual pleasure.

The notion that a tongue piercing directly and universally enhances sexual pleasure is subjective. Individuals’ experiences can vary significantly. Some may find that the added sensation during kissing or intimate encounters is enjoyable, while others may not notice a significant difference.

Moreover, it’s crucial to approach body modifications like tongue piercings with careful consideration of potential risks and complications. The piercing process can be uncomfortable, and there is a healing period during which proper care and hygiene are essential to prevent infections.

For those considering a tongue piercing for the purpose of enhancing sexual pleasure, it’s essential to have realistic expectations. While it can potentially add an element of novelty or excitement to intimate moments, it is by no means a guaranteed source of heightened pleasure for all women or individuals.

Ultimately, the decision to get a tongue piercing should be based on personal preferences, aesthetics, and cultural or individual significance rather than the sole expectation of sexual enhancement. Clear communication and consent between partners remain fundamental in any intimate context, regardless of the presence of body modifications.

Different Types of Tongue Piercings

Type of Tongue PiercingPlacementUnique Characteristics
Midline Tongue PiercingCenter of the tongueTraditional and versatile
Venom Bite or Double PiercingFront of the tongueResembles snake fangs
Frenulum or Web PiercingBeneath the tongueSubtle and discreet
Tongue Tip or Tip PiercingTip/front of tongueVisually striking
Horizontal Tongue PiercingAcross the tongueLess common, unique look
Tongue Surface PiercingParallel to the tongueUnique aesthetic
Tongue Web PiercingBeneath the tongueSits on top of the tongue
Tongue Rim or Side PiercingSide edge of tongueStriking and visible

What is the rule for tongue piercing?

The rules and guidelines for tongue piercing can vary depending on the region and the specific piercing studio or professional performing the procedure. However, there are some common rules and best practices associated with tongue piercing:

Age Requirement: There is often a minimum age requirement for tongue piercing. In many places, individuals must be at least 18 years old to get a tongue piercing without parental or guardian consent. Some regions may allow piercing with consent from parents or legal guardians for those aged 16 or 17.

Informed Consent: Before getting a tongue piercing, individuals are typically required to provide informed consent. This means they must understand the procedure, potential risks, aftercare instructions, and the responsibilities that come with having a tongue piercing.

Health and Safety: Piercing studios should adhere to strict health and safety standards. This includes using sterilized equipment, wearing disposable gloves, and maintaining a clean and hygienic environment to minimize the risk of infection.

Professional Piercers: It’s essential to choose a reputable piercing studio with experienced and licensed professionals. They should be skilled in performing tongue piercings and able to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Aftercare: Proper aftercare is crucial for the healing process. This may involve rinsing with a saline solution, avoiding certain foods and activities, and keeping the piercing clean to prevent infection and complications.

Jewelry Selection: The type of jewelry used for the initial piercing is essential. High-quality materials such as surgical stainless steel or titanium are often recommended to minimize the risk of allergic reactions or complications.

Follow-Up Appointments: Some studios may schedule follow-up appointments to check on the healing progress of the tongue piercing and provide additional guidance on care and maintenance.

Risks and Considerations: Individuals should be aware of potential risks associated with tongue piercings, such as infection, swelling, chipped teeth, and allergic reactions to jewelry. Understanding these risks is essential before proceeding.

Personal Responsibility: Those with tongue piercings have a personal responsibility to follow aftercare instructions, maintain good oral hygiene, and be vigilant for any signs of infection or complications.

It’s important to note that rules and regulations can vary by location, so it’s advisable to research and consult with a reputable piercing studio or professional in your area to ensure you are following the specific guidelines and requirements for tongue piercing in your region.

How old do you have to be to get your tongue pierced?

The minimum age requirement for getting a tongue piercing can vary from place to place. In many areas, you generally have to be at least 18 years old to get a tongue piercing without needing permission from your parents or legal guardians. 

This age requirement is there to make sure that you’re mature enough to make informed decisions about altering your body and to understand what’s involved in getting a tongue piercing.

However, in some regions, if you’re between the ages of 16 and 17 and really want a tongue piercing, you might be able to get one with your parent’s or legal guardian’s consent. This means that your parents or guardians would need to say it’s okay for you to get the piercing.

It’s important to know that these age requirements can be different depending on where you live, so it’s a good idea to check with a local piercing studio or professional to find out the specific rules in your area.

Regardless of your age, it’s crucial to think carefully before getting a tongue piercing. It’s not just about meeting the legal age requirement; it’s also about being ready for the actual piercing process and understanding how to take care of it afterward. Picking a reliable piercing studio with experienced professionals is essential. They can guide you through the process, make sure it’s done safely, and answer any questions you might have before you decide to go ahead with getting a tongue piercing.

How much does a tongue piercing cost?

In the UK, the cost of a tongue piercing can vary depending on several factors, including the location of the piercing studio, the expertise of the piercer, and the type of jewelry used. On average, you can expect to pay between £30 to £50 for a standard tongue piercing.

It’s important to note that the cost may include the initial piercing procedure, a basic starter jewelry piece (usually a stainless steel or titanium barbell), and aftercare instructions. However, the price may increase if you choose more elaborate or customized jewelry options.

Here are some factors that can influence the cost of a tongue piercing in the UK:

Piercing Studio: High-end piercing studios in major cities may charge more for their services compared to smaller or less specialized shops.

Jewelry Selection: If you opt for high-quality or custom jewelry pieces, they can significantly add to the overall cost.

Piercer’s Experience: Experienced and reputable piercers may charge higher fees for their expertise and skills.

Geographic Location: The cost of living and business expenses can vary across different regions of the UK, affecting pricing.

Additional Services: Some studios offer packages that include multiple piercings or follow-up appointments, which can affect the total cost.

Before getting a tongue piercing, it’s advisable to research local piercing studios, check their prices, and read reviews to ensure you choose a reputable and safe establishment.

Additionally, inquire about aftercare instructions and any additional costs associated with the piercing process. Remember that while cost is a consideration, the safety, hygiene, and professionalism of the piercing studio should be a top priority.

What jewelry should I get? A tongue stud?

The choice of jewelry for your tongue piercing, often referred to as a “tongue stud” or “tongue barbell,” is a personal preference, and it can depend on your style, comfort, and any specific requirements you may have. Here are some common options for tongue-piercing jewelry:

Stainless Steel Barbell: This is a popular and durable choice for tongue piercings. Stainless steel is resistant to corrosion and comes in various lengths and thicknesses. It’s a classic and widely used option.

Titanium Barbell: Titanium is another excellent choice for tongue piercings. It’s hypoallergenic and lightweight, making it suitable for individuals with metal sensitivities. Titanium jewelry comes in various colors, allowing for a bit more personalization.

Acrylic or Plastic Jewelry: Some people prefer acrylic or plastic tongue jewelry because it’s lightweight and can be less abrasive on teeth and gums. However, these materials may not be as durable as metal options and may need more frequent replacement.

Bioplast Jewelry: Bioplast is a flexible and bio-compatible material often used for tongue piercings. It’s comfortable and less likely to cause damage to teeth and gums. It’s also available in various colors and styles.

Gold or Precious Metal Jewelry: If you’re looking for a more luxurious option, you can choose gold or other precious metals. These can be aesthetically pleasing but tend to be more expensive than stainless steel or titanium.

Custom and Decorative Ends: You can personalize your tongue barbell by choosing decorative ends or beads. These can include gemstones, logos, or unique designs to match your style.

Retainers: If you need to hide your tongue piercing for work or other reasons, clear retainers made of materials like acrylic or glass are available. They make the piercing less visible.

When selecting jewelry, it’s crucial to consult with your piercer. They can help you choose the appropriate size and style based on your anatomy and ensure that the jewelry fits comfortably. Additionally, consider any lifestyle factors, such as potential impacts on speech or eating, when making your choice. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your jewelry are also essential for the health of your tongue piercing.

What can you eat when you first have it done?

When you’ve just gotten a tongue piercing, it’s crucial to be mindful of what you eat to ensure a smooth healing process and minimize any discomfort. During the initial healing period, which typically lasts a few weeks, it’s best to stick to soft and gentle foods that won’t irritate your piercing. Some good choices include ice chips, which can help reduce swelling and provide relief, as well as cold and creamy treats like ice cream and popsicles. 

Yogurt is another excellent option—it’s not only soft but also offers some probiotics for overall health. Unsweetened applesauce is soft and easy to swallow without the need for much chewing, and mashed potatoes are creamy and gentle on your tongue. Soups like chicken or vegetable broth can be soothing and nourishing, and blended fruit smoothies are both easy to consume and nutritious. Creamy pudding and soft, cooked oatmeal are also gentle on your healing tongue. 

It’s essential to avoid foods that are spicy, hot, crunchy, hard, or abrasive during this time, as they can irritate the piercing and potentially lead to complications. Alcohol and tobacco should be avoided too, as they can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection. After eating, rinse your mouth with a saline solution or an alcohol-free mouthwash to maintain good oral hygiene. 

As your tongue piercing heals, which can take several weeks, you can gradually reintroduce a wider variety of foods into your diet, but be sure to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by your piercer and consult with them if you have any concerns about your healing tongue piercing.


What culture is tongue piercing?

Tongue piercing has historical roots in various cultures, including ancient Mayans and Aztecs. In recent years, it has become popular in Western culture.

How painful are tongue piercings?

Pain levels vary, but most people describe tongue piercings as moderately painful, with discomfort lasting a few days.

Which tongue piercing is better?

The choice between horizontal and vertical tongue piercings depends on personal preference and anatomy. Both are common and have their own aesthetics.

Do tongue piercings smell?

Tongue piercings can develop odor if not properly cleaned. Regular cleaning helps prevent this.

Can you see a tongue piercing when you talk?

Typically, tongue piercings are not visible when talking or with closed lips.

Are tongue piercings permanent?

No, tongue piercings are not permanent. You can remove the jewelry, and the hole may close over time.

What are the risks of tongue piercing?

Risks include infection, swelling, and damage to teeth or gums. Proper aftercare is crucial.

Can I remove my tongue piercing after 3 days?

It’s best to wait for several weeks before removing a new tongue piercing to allow for proper healing.

What happens if I swallow my tongue ring?

Swallowing a small tongue ring is usually not harmful and will pass through your digestive system. Consult a doctor if you experience any discomfort.

Do tongue piercings bleed?

Some bleeding is common during and after piercing, but it should be minimal. If excessive bleeding occurs, seek medical attention.

Does a tongue piercing affect taste?

Initially, you may experience a temporary change in taste, but it typically returns to normal once the piercing heals.

How long does it take for a tongue piercing to heal?

Healing times can range from four to eight weeks, depending on individual factors.

How do I clean and care for a new tongue piercing?

Use a saline solution and avoid certain foods and activities during the healing process.

Final words

In conclusion, getting a tongue piercing is a personal choice that can be both a form of self-expression and a unique addition to one’s appearance. It’s essential to approach the process with careful consideration, choosing a reputable piercing studio and following aftercare instructions diligently. While there may be some initial discomfort and dietary restrictions, the experience can be rewarding as the piercing heals and becomes a part of your individual style. Always prioritize your safety and well-being throughout the journey.